Tuesday, May 05, 2009

sometimes as i sit here reading all my international law stuff. i think of the unexplored beauty of israel, the beautiful but oppressed women of iran, the war-torn iraq, the cultures of the former yugoslavia. and damnit i want to do so many things. which makes me feel so helpless really. i want to be involved internationally. to do some good with all the money i've spent on my bloody education.

and while i've cooped myself up at home with all this mugging. i genuinely am enjoying myself reading about the delicate balances in the EU, the international legal aspect of iraq, afghanistan and kosovo, the subtle tug of war that is the international field. and i love it so so much. i so identify with angie in how i don't really want the exams to end. because that means my international law module is over ): and it makes me really sad. because it was international law that really drove me to read law. and i had an absolute blast this year with it.

EU was a compulsory subject and a surprise really. i was dreading it, thinking it'd be so dry and boring. but gosh i love it :D and i'm e only idiot who loves eu law. i think its partly cos of nadine (my tutor). she's bloody awesome and so passionate about her stuff. really got my respect (:

law was a choice. a gladly taken one. and i've never regretted it. i'm doing something i always dreamed of doing. something i love. and this is why i just can't understand how people can just say to me 'i don't care about liking it or whether i'm learning anything. i just want my grade'. i mean its their prerogative to have that kinda attitude towards their uni career. and also i can't stand ppl who keep complaining about studying, about how it sucks. you made your choice, stick with it and stop complaining. i do so hate whiners. suck it up.

this is why i have so much respect for people who dare to do what they want. to fight for what they believe in. be it engineering, anthropology, beauty school, fashion, photography or art. while i don't fault ppl for being practical. i don't quite know how to be practical. or i don't want to be practical. you only live life once. you gotta be happy (: and i refuse to be unhappy!


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